Monday, July 30, 2012

Tool # 11 (YEAH)

1. What are your favorite tools you now have in your personal technology toolbox? Briefly describe a particular activity that you will plan for your students using at least one of these new tools. I love the new apps that I have learned about. Bamboo paper is pretty neat. Storybird is a fun one too. I think one of my favorites has been the EDUCERATIONS app. I am excited to see our Ipads turn into whiteboards! I plan on solving a math word problem and recording step by step directions so that the kids can take it to their seats during independent work time or take it home for homework help. Pretty cool! Also we can ....put teacher lessons on the web so students can watch them before and after class Showcase video tutorials Add commentary to the water cycle or other social studies models and Diagram a sentence 2. How have you transformed your thinking about the learning that will take place in your classroom? How has your vision for your classroom changed? Are you going to need to make any changes to your classroom to accommodate the 21st Century learner? I am starting to feel more comfortable about using different online tools and apps in my room. I know I still have LOTS to learn. I think I am way more comfortable in expanding my lessons using tech devices. I need to take the time to really learn how to utilize each tool in my room and with my kids, so we are all confident in what we are doing! SLOW AND STEADY WINS THE RACE! I feel more comfortable using technology in my classroom. I am excited to really, really learn how to use all the various tools with my kids, and to use them well. I will take the time to really set up all my new devices in my classroom, making them as accessible as possible for all children to use. The charging station will keep the devices charged at all times, as long as we go over in detail the proper handling of each device. 3. Were there any unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you? Yes, there is just SO MUCH out there they we are able to use in our classrooms. The kids get excited about learning when we use technology! I hope to use a couple tools a month and really learn the proper way to use them, teaching each child about that tool and all they will be able to accomplish! IT is a big world out there!!

Tool # 9

1.Why do you think it is important to tie the technology to the objective? I think it is important to tie the technology into our objective because it gives the kids a purpose for using technology. By doing this I think it will clear up any questions the kids have about the learning goal and how they use the technology devices. 2.Why should we hold students accountable for the stations/centers? We need to hold the kids accountable for the stations/centers so they do not get side-tracked or see these devices as "play" time. Technology can be a fantastic tool to use in the classroom, but it is very easy to become caught up in searching for fun games instead of using the device as it is meant to be used during stations or center time. By holding the kids accountable, they will stay focused on the task given them. 3.Visit 2 of the applicable links to interactive websites for your content/grade level. Which sites did you like. How could you use them as stations? How can you hold the students accountable for their time in these stations? One site I used this year in my classroom is MagnaHigh. The kids loved this center during math workshop time. I would load games for them to play, the beauty of this was that the kids were learning or reviewing math concepts while playing fun, fast paced games. As they beat the different levels in the different games their points were stored for them. These points added up and the kids received "medals" which they were very excited about. This site is also multi leveled so everyone could "play" and earn medals. We even challenged other classrooms, and the kids really got excited about that! They were able to see how many points and medals were being earned by both classrooms as well as who was the top scorer. I also used EDMODO in my classroom. I would post a video/article on the site for the children to read for homework. They loved posting their thoughts about the reading on the site and having discussions with other classmates at home. We would have fun reading everyone's posts and discuss the reading. 4.List two to three apps you found for the iPod Touch/iPad that you can use in your classroom. What do you see that station looking like? How can you hold the students accountable for their time in these stations? One app I will use this year is Educreations and Bamboo Paper on our I Pads. Using bamboo paper in class will be fun for the kids. They can go around campus and take pictures of different math shapes and write notes about their shapes. I will have them come back and get into small groups to discuss their notes and pictures. Educreations is a super cool app, that allows you to sketch and record right onto the Ipad. The kids can become the "teachers" or experts on a concept. They can demonstrate how to solve a word problem on the Ipad, while recording how to solve it. This can then be used by other students who might be stuck on a problem. I can also demonstrate how to solve problems and allow the kids to use this during independent work time. I am sure that this will be a fun app to use this coming school year. I will hold the kid accountable by making sure that they understand the expectations of how to use the I pads and these apps. I will have the kids sign a contract for using the kindles, Ipads and other tech devices. They will have to review this contract with their parents and we will go over it together as a class and on a needed basis. 5.What about other ways to use the iPod Touch/iPad? Share another way you can see your students using the device as a station. Another way we can use the Ipads in our class is to use them during reading workshop. We can download a set of novels onto them and have a group of kids use them in their book clubs. They can highlight/take notes while reading together. There are so many great tools to use while reading, like word meaning, bookmarks and note taking etc. We can use the Ipads during math workshop too. The kids can work in small groups on math facts with the Ipads. They can "race" each other to figure out the problems.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tool # 8

Important things that I have learned so far...... 1. Must have CLEAR guidelines and SET expectations of how to use the devices. These guidelines must be taught at the beginning of school and revisited every 9 weeks. (Or on an as needed basis) 2. I tunes need to be installed on the devices so we can purchase apps for the kids to use. This all needs to be synced to my teacher laptop after I have completed downloading apps and content into the I tunes account. As well as keeping the devices up to date by syncing them through out the year when I upload new apps., podcasts etc. 3. I'm excited about the possibility about using web cams connected to the netbooks for students assignments and projects. I plan to manage our devices in our classrooms by building a respect for all technology devices. I hope to learn from the kids and allow them to take ownership of our devices, by caring for them making sure they are all put back where they belong. I would like to see the kids become "tech experts" and the experts would help each other to trouble shoot when problems arise. By feeling a sense of pride and ownership of our devices the kids will in turn care for our devices and feel more confident using them. Another idea is that my 3rd graders can teach the Kinder book buddies the proper use and care of tech devices. I believe they would be very excited to be the "teachers" and work together with their book buddy on a device.

Tool # 7

Obective: TSW read and analyze poetry features by reading different types of poetry. Implementation: This project will be implemented Spring 2013 Tools: Wallwisher, Google Docs, Skype, Edmodo and Storybird Project Plan: Students will read and respond to poetry during reading workshop using Wallwisher via the student netbooks and Ipads. For homework, instead of their normal 20 minutes of reading, the students will read and respond to poetry posted on our class Edmodo site, respond to target question, such as "Is this a lyrical or narrative poem?"Why?, as well as other more specific questions concerning alliteration, personification, similes and metaphors used, etc. During class time, students can begin creating poetry and revising poetry and revising poetry in small groups using their Google Docs accounts and we can share and revise with other classrooms using Skype. In the end, students will be able to create their own poetry using our Storybird account in which they can create lyrical or narrative poems of their won to publish and share with the class. Collaboration: Most teachers at FWE teaches poetry; therefore, we will collaborate vertically across grade levels or within our own grade level.

Tool # 6

Ideas I can get from looking at my colleague's blogs. I enjoy reading my colleague's blogs. Sally C. has done an awesome job and I strive to be like her! =) She took a screen shot of her Edmmodo to place on her blog. I would love to know how she did that. I know I can learn alot from Sally, she makes it look so easy.......this 11 Tools. =) I enjoy being able to collaborate with other teachers about the different ways to use technology in our classrooms. I look forward to learning as much as I can and using it this coming year in my classroom.

Tool # 6!/my/polls This is a link to my class poll using PollEverywhere. I can post these questions in a poll form and allow students to answer questions. We can then review and evaluate the answers as a class. I can use this in many subjects and I think the kids will love using the technology to answer questions and being able to view their classmates answers and start a discussion. Using PollEverywhere will encourage them to answer the questions, the kids know that the class will be viewing and will be eager to discuss.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Tool # 6

June 18, 2012 My class Edmodo site: The students have loved using Edmodo this year. They can respond to videos or assignments and post their reflections. They can also ask questions about homework or about things that they have learned or are learning in class. I enjoy reading the posts that they write.

Tool # 5

A Wordle of 3rd grade states Wordle: Our 3rd Grade States ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am excited to show my kids how to make wordles. I think they can be very creative using this tool to help them learn the states or whatever they are learning about. SO many things that can be done!! ************************************************************************************* StoryBird Using storybird students can create their own stories using pictures that are provided on the site. I believe they can be very creative with their stories and share them with friends and family. This could be used as a center during reading/writing workshop. ************************************************************************************* The Magical Boy by bperry50 on Storybird

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Tool # 4

Post # 4 I just finished Tool # 4, using a beginning of the year letter I send home to parents the first week of school. I can use many different Google apps with my students and with my team. It will be so easy to share different documents within my team using this google doc. app. Instead of e mailing it around to the team, we can just post it in the google doc. and we will be able to view and change it easily if needed. The children can use this google app by making a quiz with their book clubs and working on it together. I can make up a quiz for the kids on different subjects and share it with them as a workstation. The children will be able to open up google docs at home to review the questions for a test or quiz, or to share what is going on in our classroom. I think that I am most excited to use the google doc app in my classroom. I believe the kids will love being able to go on to the computers to answer questions or review what we have done in class.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Tool # 3

June 18,2018 Volcanoes Erupting Here is a video that I could show when we start teaching landforms. It shows a volcano erupting in Hawaii. Here is a reading video that I like to use at the beginning of the year. It is the Black Eye Pea song, I Gotta A Feeling. A school of middle school kids put their own words to this song. Gotta Keep Reading. I love the way they changed the words to fit reading. I play this at the end of the day at the beginning of the year. The kids LOVE it! th June 18,2012 Copyright and Fair Use Fair use has to do with the purpose and amount of use of materials and effects on potential markets. It also has to do with the nature that I use the materials for. I also learned transformativeness, which adds value and purpose to what I am using my copyrighted material for. I also learned that it is very important to give credit to the sources from which I acquired the copyrighted material. DropBox I created a dropbox folder for reading, in which I downloaded several of our 3rd grade flipcharts having to do with reading. I am going put a non fiction flipchart in this box, so the kids will be able to access this chart from any device,(which has activ inspire) via the dropbox website. This will enable the kids to look at the information about non-fiction texts at any time that we are studying without my having to pull it up on the activboard.

Tool # 2

Tool #2

I read about 5 blogs, Malissa D., Emily B., Sally C. and several others. I love the way Sally C. words her blogs, very interesting to read. I agree with Malissa about this being a bit scary, so much information to learn. But, I believe when we are all through we will be experts at the world of technology!
I have to learn to share my thoughts publicly, I am a little scared of what others will think of what I say.  I think it is different than sharing my successes/challenges with my teammates because I get the immediate feedback that I need and we have an actual conversation.
I had a blog in my classroom that my students loved. I had them to the actual posting of the happenings in our classroom.  They loved being able  to do that.
I do believe that we can learn from each other by reading their blogs.
A great site is Discovery Education, there are lots of videos that you can use while teaching and the kids love them.

I use Discovery Education weekly in my classroom.  Check out the site.Science Teacher

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I just made my new 11 Tools blog and it was fairly easy......THANK YOU JENNIFER!